Upcoming Events
Next Ride: A History of the Twin Cities Housing and Neighborhood Covenants
On August 21st the Ride4Reparations “Housing and Neighborhood Covenants” 15 mile bike tour of the Twin Cities will take place highlighting the story and history of covenanted housing communities in Minneapolis. Learn about who could, and more importantly who could not, purchase houses in what neighborhoods and why. The educational component of the ride will be led by Penny Petersen, of the University of Minnesota’s Mapping Prejudice Project. Thank you Penny!
The ride has a suggested ticket price of $75.00 to cover costs and to help support Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ).
Please consider joining us if:
* You love to ride your bike
* You enjoy the company of positive people
* You understand that the wealth and power of America is largely the result the labor of millions of enslaved people who were not paid for their work
* You understand that the many problems in America’s Black communities are the legacy of slavery
* You appreciate why an organization like Northside Achievement Zone is important to support financially and that doing so is just one way to make reparations.